PART-TIME meaningful
Empowering Inclusion in our Community.
The Part-Time Meaningful Employment (PTME) Program was introduced in 2013, and currently supports six part-time employees. The Program is an important component of a more caring, inclusive community.

Providing a variety of employment opportunities
Employment opportunities include but are not limited to:
bottle sorting
recycling pick-up
lawn maintenance
snow shoveling
miscellaneous labour

Celebrating individuals' strengths and talents
We employ individuals with disabilities/ barriers or those who are struggling to find purposeful, paid, and meaningful employment.
Our Part-time Meaningful Employment Program provides individuals the opportunity to learn new skills, build confidence, strengthen community connections, and to feel valued and accepted, while earning a wage.

Supporting our recycling and food security programs
Our employees are proud to be part of our recycling and food security endeavours.
We value every employee, and modify duties as required for optimal success. The work can be challenging, but our employees work together as a team to get the job done!