Connecting the Community.
We're good-hearted volunteers, community members, schools, and businesses that work together to make a difference in the community of Whitecourt, Alberta.
We create positive initiatives that benefit our community. Our unique programs & services allow for out-of-the box thinking and partnerships with various organizations that solve local issues from the grassroots up.
We are advocates for youth, vulnerable populations, and our environment.

Our Board

Tara Baker

Haley St. Martin

Kristina McAuley

Alyssa Calliou

Brittany Carter
Our mission is to create positive initiatives as an essential part of our community. We are advocates for youth, vulnerable populations, and our environment.
Our board values include:
Respect – we are open minded, respectful of other people, non judgmental, accepting and welcoming.
Accommodating – customized service, tailored employment opportunity.
Inclusive – foods available to all students, volunteer opportunities, diverse board/volunteer/participants.
Encouragement/Supportive – helping others to gain independence (life, social, employment skills).
Advocacy for Youth – food security and nutrition
Our History
First Lunch Program
Lunch Program provided at Central Elementary School.

Lunch Program Expansion
Lunch Program expanded to Pat Hardy Primary & St. Mary School.
Lunch Program Expansion
Lunch Program expanded to Percy
Baxter School.

Breakfast Program Expansion
Breakfast program expanded to include Hilltop High School and St. Mary School
Lunch Program Available in ALL Community Schools
Joined the Breakfest Program at Hilltop High School
Provided an emergency fridge at Hilltop High School and Gateway Academy
Started a Breakfast Program at St. Joseph School
Made Apples-4-Kids Program available to ALL students at ALL six community schools and to the Boys & Girls Club

Meaningful Employment Program Initiated
Food program expanded to include a Cooking Class at Gateway Academy
Opened cafeteria at Hilltop High School
Hired first part-time meaningful employment employee
Bottle Recycling Program
Launched Bottle Drop-off Program
Opened Bottle Sorting Centre
Food Program started at Little Big Fort
Won the Scotiabank Game Changer Award
Expanded part-time meaningful employment program

Renovations and New Recycling Garage
Renovated Volunteer Centre
Built bottle recycling garage
Winner of Maple Leaf Feed it Forward Award
Non-Profit Organization of the Year Award
Whitecourt and District Chamber of Commerce
Community Futures
Alberta Governement
The Town of Whitecourt
Woodlands County

Property Purchased,
Program Expansion
Awarded the Community Wellness Award of Merit by Ever Active Schools
Purchased property for Volunteer Centre
Apples 4 Kids to all students including Boys & Girls Club
100 recycling drop-off and pick-up locations
Cooking Club for all Grade 5 students - Central School

Support Centre Completion
Volunteer Centre and Recycling Garage construction completed
Celebrated as Alberta Recycling Community Champion
Honour Award from Whitecourt Communities in Bloom
Lot Purchase
Purchased lot adjacent to Support Centre

Pandemic Adaptation
Contracted IGA to prepare breakfasts, lunches, and snacks (due to COVID)
Employee Recognition
One of our valued employees won the Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities Award of Excellence in Community

Loan Paid Off
Paid off loan for current Support Centre, creating a mortgage-free organization
Purchased two tall fridges for high schools with funding from Breakfast Club of Canada
Launch of porch pickup bottle recycling program
Demo and Clean-up
Completed demolition and clean-up of the lot adjacent to the CLB Support Center
Bottle bin redesign
Ecole St. Anne opened and was added to the food delivery list